General Medicine
- Asthma education
- Blood pressure checks
- Blood tests
- Cardiovascular risk assessments
- Diabetes checks
- Ear syringing
- ECG tests
- Immunisations
- Influenza vaccinations – we provide all immunisations on the government funded immunisation schedule. For more information, please talk to one of our doctors or nurses. Influenza vaccinations are free to adults over 65 years of age, and to patients with many chronic illnesses. It is also available to other patients for a small fee.
- IV antibiotic treatment
- Liquid nitrogen treatment (Cryotherapy)
- Lifestyle advice
- Melanoma checks
- Minor surgery
- Sexual health consultations
- Skin checks
- Skin cancer removals
- Smoking cessation support
- Wound care / dressings (ACC & non-ACC)
Children's, Women's & Men's Health
Children’s health
- Before school assessments
- Childhood immunisations
- Children’s Well Child Checks
Women’s health
- Breast screening
- Cervical smears including HPV test – self testing available. In 2022-2023 we took part in a pilot study for the HPV test which can be carried out by the patient themselves. It was very successful with most wahine stating that they would continue to use this type of self-administered test – ask us about this, next time you are due for a cervical smear.
- Contraception and family planning
- Depo Provera
- Pregnancy testing
Men’s health
- Prostate checks
Other services
- Drivers licence medicals
- Drug screening
- Employment immunisations
- Insurance medicals
- Pre-employment medicals
Urgent Care
If you phone our surgery outside of our normal opening hours (Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5pm), your phone call will be answered by an after hours service of health professionals who can give you health advice. They will triage your call and advise you of the best course of action. If they feel you need urgent medical attention, they may refer you to the 24 Hour Surgery or the Emergency Department.
The 24 Hour Surgery is located at 401 Madras Street, phone (03) 365 7777. It’s free for children under the age of 13 years to attend the 24 Hour Surgery outside of our normal opening hours or at anytime if they have had an accident (ACC).